Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Source Code

Summary: An Army pilot wakes up in another man's identity in the last 8 minutes of his life. It's a "source code" or an alternative reality where Sean (Jake Gyllenhaal) has to find information about the train's bomber because a 2nd impending attack with a dirty bomb is suspected. He develops a connection with a passenger, Christina Warren (Michelle Mongahan) while trying to understand what's happening as he receives orders from Captain Goodwin (Vera Farmiga).

Review: Gyllenhaal was decent, Monaghan played a woman wit the smile you could fall in love with, and Farmiga played her role as a divided Captain well. The graphics were brilliant and the storyline was intriguing. The movie did bring into question of the greater society vs. the individual.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: What happens after death? Is there really a fate that we are all bound to? What are regrets? Can we really change the future sometimes? Majority vs. minority, soldier's death, does tapping into an alternate reality really create a whole new reality, what is identity, how does memory work, the little things, fate

Power Rating (Out of 5): 5 It was well made and definitely not just a tacky thriller. It had some nice themes going for it as well and had the layers of complexion in them.

Favorite Quotes:
Goodwin: The program wasn't designed to alter the past, but affect the future.

Colter Stevens: Beautiful day.

Colter Stevens: What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live?
Christina Warren: I'd make those seconds count.
Colter Stevens: I'd kiss you again.
Christina Warren: Again?

Christina Warren: Look at me. Everything's going to be okay.
[suddenly the train explodes]

Colter Stevens: It's the same train, but it's different.
Christina Warren: Deep, I hope it's different. I feel the same way.

Colter Stevens: Do you believe in fate?
Christina Warren: Not really, I'm more of a dumb luck kind of gal.

Colter Stevens: This feels like exactly where we're suppose to be, doesn't it?

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