Monday, July 25, 2011

Black Swan

Summary: The movie starts with the crowning of a new Queen Swan, Nina, (Natalie Portman) and another ballerina Lilly (Mila Kunis). The former Queen Swan committed an act of getting into an accident because of her emotional state of being replaced as surmised by the director. It's a psychological thriller on how one deals with the pressure of being a ballerina and Nina worries about Lilly, her competition.

Review: The cinematography was great. The movie really was a thriller and had me pretty anxious at what was to come at times. The mood created was perfectly fit for the movie, but I think I just cringe at the sight of ligaments being outstretched to the point of snapping. Natalie Portman really shows her versatility as an actress and was fantastic in her role as a meek girl with suppressed emotions. Mila Kunis also does a great job exuding the sexuality she does in every role. The self mutilation by the Queen Swan was distressing. I did love the classical music though.

Further Questions/Philosophy/Theme: Does love inspire art as suggested by the director when he tries to release Natalie Portman sexually? Does it really take some kind of psychological damage or craziness to be "great" at something? Is there a greater theme to masochism? There was a nice theme of control and how discipline clash. The power struggles throughout the film were nice. The question of delusion with reality and identity are in play. Do we all have a black swan and white swan?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 It was a really made movie and I can see how it won all the awards it had, but I just didn't like it from a personal point of view. The emotions it touched upon were too personal for me and I guess I'm just not mature enough. I also found it hard to relate to ballerina, but I give the movie credit for captivating me for the entire time. I have to say it was a "good" movie though.

Favorite Quotes:
Thomas Leroy: Are you okay?
Nina: I'm fine.
Thomas Leroy: Nina.
Nina: What?
Thomas Leroy: I've already asked Lily.
Nina: Have you announced it?
Nina: After Beth do you really need another controversy? I'm here, Thomas. I'm doing it.
Thomas Leroy: The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let her go. Lose yourself.

Nina: It's about a girl who gets turned into a swan and she needs love to break the spell, but her prince falls for the wrong girl so she kills herself.

Erica: It's the role, isn't it? It's all this pressure? I knew it would be too much. I knew it!

Nina: What happened?
Thomas Leroy: She walked into the street and got hit by a car. And you know what? I'm almost sure she did it on purpose.
Nina: How do you know?
Thomas Leroy: Because everything Beth does comes from within. From some dark impulse. I guess that's what makes her so thrilling to watch. So dangerous. Even perfect at times, but also so damn destructive.

Thomas Leroy: You could be brilliant, but you're a coward.
Nina: I'm sorry.
Thomas Leroy: [yelling] Now stop saying that! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Stop being so fucking weak!

Nina: I felt it. Perfect. I was perfect.

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