Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Endings

Summary: The randomness of life and love is seen as a gay couple's friendship with another gay couple could be threatened with paternity of a son, a father and his son are seeing the same woman, and a woman who works at an abortion clinic as a counselor has to come to grips with giving her own son up for adoption 18 years ago.

Review: The movie had a very interesting way of telling the story with narration popping up on half the screen many times. Lisa Kudrow gives one of the better performances I've seen her give in a movie. The storyline surprisingly converged and was a quality plot in the end.The music in the movie was of great quality.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: How do adopted kids feel about their biological parents? Nature vs nurture is prominent as several characters are gay and several others are also adopted.

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 It was surprisingly a great watch. I had no idea what to expect from the film and it was novel enough with how it was filmed. It was a solid movie that made use of the talents of the cast rather than any special effects, but the music was fantastic.

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