Monday, August 22, 2011


Summary: An ambitious school master's son Gurukant Desai 30(Abhishek Bachchan) ignores his father's advice and leaves his village to find success in Turkey and then a business empire. He marries Sujata Desi (Aishwarya Rai) 33 and forges and empire as he clashes with another fatherly figure in Manik (Mithun Chakraborty) despite being close to his granddaughter, Meenu (Vidya Balan). The price of financial success and the battle for continued success forces Guru to fight.

Review: The movie really did captivate me and Bachchan was very charismatic along with the beauty of his real life wife as well, Aishwarya Rai. The two obviously had chemistry and I thought he was a real serious actor as he did gain a significant amount of weight to play the businessman. The relationships between all the members in the movie seemed very genuine. As always, I'm a sucker for the musical scenes in the movie and love the way the dances were choreographed as it seems so playful. The music was soothing even though I have no idea what they're saying. The movie did shorten itself in many ways and the plot was a bit convoluted at times as they cut out key scenes and had a lot of unresolved stories and deus ex machina. The film itself was shot very well and I thought the makeup to show the age of the acting cast was decent.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: What is friendship? How much can sheer will and determination drive a man to accomplish? What is the price of monetary success? Why do people like to run away from their village into the world so much as evidenced by both Guru and his wife who tried to elope at first instead of staying in the village.

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 In many ways, this movie reminded me of Raajneeti. It was entertaining and said to have been based on a business tycoon Dhirubhai Ambani whose sons Muskesh and Anil have inherited the Reliance empire. The film was a solid watch, but I'm a sucker for Bollywood films.

Favorite Quotes: Sujatha: [Sujata suddenly insists on coming with Gurukant just before his train leaves]
Gurukant Desai: But you don't have any luggage!
Sujatha: [indignant] Can't you buy me a few saris?

K R Menon I.A.S: What was your name again?
Gurukant Desai: Not was. Is. And will always remain. Gurukant Desai.

Gurukant Desai: There is a saying in our village: "If people say bad things about you, you must be doing something good."

Gurukant Desai: If you don't dream, you will be stuck to your village all your life.

Gurukant Desai: What's wrong with dreaming big?

father-in-law: "What does your father say?"
Gurukant Desai: "That I will be ruined."
father-in-law: "Then you know you will succeed."

Gurukant Desai: "Just because you failed, doesn't mean I can pass."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Endings

Summary: The randomness of life and love is seen as a gay couple's friendship with another gay couple could be threatened with paternity of a son, a father and his son are seeing the same woman, and a woman who works at an abortion clinic as a counselor has to come to grips with giving her own son up for adoption 18 years ago.

Review: The movie had a very interesting way of telling the story with narration popping up on half the screen many times. Lisa Kudrow gives one of the better performances I've seen her give in a movie. The storyline surprisingly converged and was a quality plot in the end.The music in the movie was of great quality.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: How do adopted kids feel about their biological parents? Nature vs nurture is prominent as several characters are gay and several others are also adopted.

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 It was surprisingly a great watch. I had no idea what to expect from the film and it was novel enough with how it was filmed. It was a solid movie that made use of the talents of the cast rather than any special effects, but the music was fantastic.

Barney's Version

Summary: Barney Panofsky (Paul Giamatti) is a Jewish Canadian tv producer who flashes back in time to his three marriages. In each marriage it's shown how one man has the time of his life with friends while finding the woman who will have his children. The key moment in the film was probably a single card from a wedding that a friend kindly sniped to give Panofsky the best gift of his life, but he had to earn it.

Review: This movie was a great watch and it was a well made film in all aspects. The music was nice with jazz thrown in too. Paul Giamatti is a great actor and finally gets another chance to be the main leading man. I once had a professor comment how he's Hollywood's best supporting actor, but his talent really shown as the numero uno honcho in this movie. It was a touching movie as it details a man's life, but I have to wonder how serious were all the romances. They all seemed so magical in the moment and Panofsky wasn't portrayed as a "hunk." It had plenty of humor especially with the father, Izzy, played by Dustin Hoffman. The wives, Clara Charnofsky, 2nd Mrs. Panofsky, and Miriam Grant were played by Rachelle Lefevre, Minnie Driver, and Rosamund Pike to perfection by each of the traits of the specific wife. Rosamund Pike looks excellent, but it's surprising that she's only 32, but in this movie and The Surrogates, she plays a role that has her appear very aged.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: Can a normal man find love without the wealth of Barney Panofsky? Time really does await no man and it hurts even more when the memories fade from within. When is it considered a betrayal of friendship? Sex vs. Love

Power Rating (Out of 5): 5 This was a movie that really fit the comedy-drama label as it was hilarious in its lighter moments, and a tear inducing drama in its more serious moments. It was one of the better movies I've seen in this genre, even though when this genre is good, the films tend to be excellent. It was well executed and left me satisfied yet sad that it was such a box office failure.

Favorite Quotes: "Did you wash it with soap?"

Barney Panofsky: So you fucked her?
Boogie: It was the only thing that would shut her up.

Barney Panofsky: Should I sleep on the sofa?
Miriam: Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're not sleeping on the sofa, we don't sleep apart. Good night.

Miriam: We can be friends now, can't we?
Barney Panofsky: No. We can't.
Miriam: I'm here for you if you'll let me. We had a beautiful marriage, but it's over. I want you to be at peace with that.
Barney Panofsky: Have I ever given up when it comes to you?
Miriam: Never.
Barney Panofsky: So what makes you think I would start now?

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Summary: Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is having problems with his life: girlfriend, career, and sense of direction in life. He is wandering when he bumps into his ex-wife's brother who is a drug dealer. The brother offers him a pill and knowing that Morra was an ex-addict who had his life destroyed. The mysterious pill eventually gets taken by Morra and he discovers its benefits. The brother is murdered when Morra tries to get more and a journey to achieving past his former limits begin as his intellectual powers, motivation and accomplishments are increased vastly. He soon meets with a business tycoon, Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro) and the stakes are raised. The price is soon realized though as the drug's effect progresses.

Review: The movie was a science fiction film, but somehow it seemed a little too light to offer any lessons for the future. That in itself isn't a bad thing as the movie was a very enjoyable watch after the initial 15 minutes. It was a bit cliche with the stock trading after gaining super-abilities though. Bradley Cooper did impress me in his role in this movie as he is usually just the heartthrob eye candy for the females, but he really shined in this role. De Niro is getting old, and I was a bit disappointed in his performance as I felt it was lacking the passion his other roles usually have. I enjoyed the shots of New York and the music.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: Is it every okay to take a drug to enhance your abilities like steroids? Do we underachieve and really not reach our potential? What motivates me to keep driving? How do drugs affect change in people?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 The movie was well made and the plot was a decent watch. It seemed serious, but the mood was pretty light thanks to Cooper's personality. The plot was a bit tacky at times and the ending was too happily ever after for me. The movie did leave several issues unresolved and in general some of the premise was just too absurd and in-congruent.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Middle Men

Summary: Jack Harris (Luke Wilson) is a negotiator who happens to be in the right position to broker a deal with two idiot pals (Gabriel Macht and Giovanni Ribisi) as the duo are in over their heads despite a fantastic idea in processing internet transactions like porn. Things soon change as the lifestyle consumes the former family man Jack Harris and his actions have consequences.

Review: Luke Wilson just isn't quite as strong as a leading man as some other actors when it comes to a drama. He lacks the charisma of his older brother Owen and seems best for comedy roles and an older version of Michael Cera. James Caan and Rade Serbedzija played the shady figures very well. Giovanni Ribisi played half the erratic duo and was the only great acting job in the film. Gabriel Macht, who played the other half was decent, but Ribisi was movie's bright spot. Jacinda Barrett plays a lovely wife well and Laura Ramsey was attractive, but her role as a seducer is questioned as it's said in words, but not shown with actions. The storyline was an intriguing one and seems to be based on Christopher Mallick and epassporte fraud. The filming wasn't terrible, and there were plenty of lighter moments in the film, but Luke Wilson's leading ability has to be questioned as this movie fails to captivate. It did have an interesting narrative style though with a lot of breaking of the fourth wall by Wilson.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: Do we get corrupted by external influences eventually? Be careful who you surround yourself with. Does this story resemble some of the things that went on with online poker companies and their transactions?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 2 I can definitely see how this movie bombed at the box office pulling in 750k while having a budget of 20 million dollars. Maybe there was a financial engineering in those numbers, but the movie should have had great potential. The plot was decent, but it was executed so poorly that I had moments where I didn't want to finish the movie. I don't know how they turned such a story into such a boring and mundane product.

The Motorcycle Diaries

Summary: This movie is based on the 1952 trek that is recorded in memoirs by a young Che Guevara undertaken with his friend Alberto Granado. They eventually start from Argentina, travel through Chile, Peru, Columbia and separate as Granado stays behind in Venezuela and Che continues his journey. It provides insights into the development of a young Guevara and the different paths of two young men in a very romantic light.

Review: The movie was well filmed, had a captivating storyline, and had tons of big ideas. I also am very fond of the Latina women they encounter such as Mia Maestro. The movie had a nice mix of lighter moments of courting various women while the seriousness of encountering actual migrant workers in mines who couldn't understand why they traveled. Gael Garcia Bernal as Che and Rodrigo de la Serna as Alberto Granado had great chemistry and played the role of friends who disagreed at times, but were brothers very well. I really enjoyed it and it just proves my previous post's point of polarized views when it comes to foreign films. I was rationalizing as I suspected in the previous post because I knew next to nothing about Che besides the fact he was a Communist revolutionary who the CIA hated and young American youths today idealize for perhaps the wrong reasons.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: Travel/young men getting a goal/equality/ideals
It's very interesting to note that Alberto Granado went on to do many great things in becoming a professor of biochemistry and in the development of Cuba's competent doctors while Che died at age 39. Granado recently passed in March and it's a curious thing did it all really matter in the end? Another footnote should be that the Anaconda Copper Mining Company that they encounter in Chile merged with Alantic Richfield Company (ARCO) in 1977. Then in 2000, BP finalizes a deal to buy out ARCO for 30 billion dollars.

Power Rating (Out of 5): 5 I couldn't really find any faults with the movie and enjoyed the themes greatly. The cast seemed fit and the specific scenes at places such as a debate at Machu Pichu or the symbolic swimming across a river that divided the leper colony were beautifully shot. It was well made and inspiring enough to make me question my own young life's choices.

Favorite Quotes:
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: How is it possible that i feel nostalgia for a world I never knew. How do you explain that a civilization capable of building this is wiped out to build...

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier? Each moment seems split in two; melancholy for what was left behind and the excitement of entering a new land.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: This isn't a tale of heroic feats. It's about two lives running parallel for a while, with common aspirations and similar dreams.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Wandering around our America has changed me more than I thought. I am not me any more. At least I'm not the same me I was.

Miner's Wife: Are you two looking for work?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: No, we aren't looking for work.
Miner's Wife: No?... Then why are you traveling?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: We travel just to travel.
Miner's Wife: Bless you... Blessed be your travels.

Leper from San Pablo: Why did you want to be a doctor?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: I wanted to be useful, somehow.
Leper from San Pablo: You're wasting your time.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Why?
Leper from San Pablo: Life is pain.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: The Incas had a high knowledge of astronomy, medicine,math, among others.
But the Spanish invaders had powder
How would America be today if things had been different?

Alberto Granado: Fuser, look what i think. I should marry with an Inca descendantand found an indigenous party, We encourage everyone to vote Reactivate Tupac Amaru's revolution,the indoamerican revolution, Fuser, What do you think?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: A revolution without gunshots?You are crazy Mial.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Of Gods and Men

Summary: A French monastery in Algeria is threatened with the escalating problems with Fundamentalists of Islam and are divided as a group to leave or stay. It is based on a true story. It was a good tale of devotion to religion and how it affects people differently.

Review: The cinematography was shot beautifully and the music was really soothing. The actors who played the monks were exceptional. Lambert Wilson plays a determined leader and Michael Lonsdale was very believable as a wise monk. The storyline is an interesting one as it's based on real life events, but it never really captivated my interest. There was drama throughout the film, but it just didn't really excite me as I barely knew what was going on. This movie was also in either French or Arabic and I really couldn't tell which was which at times. I am starting to think with foreign films, they are either way hit or way miss with me.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: What was the political atmosphere of Algeria in 1996 like? What is monastery life and do they get closer to God?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 2 Despite a compelling story and a beautifully made film, I just couldn't get into the film. The movie was too slow for me even though it had a deep plot and bigger themes to reflect upon. I think a lot of this might have been that I knew absolutely nothing about the situation in Algeria besides the fact it was once a French colony. It still shouldn't have prevented me from gaining appreciation for the storyline of fundamentalists against a state or civilians even though it did. This film seems like a tale that is replayed over and over again even with missionaries in Afghanistan today and it has inspired me to learn more about the events this movie was based on. It was also inspiring to see the sacrifices that the monks made, but I can't help but think of religion as a tool for the conquering and oppressing of any "native peoples" throughout history.

Favorite Quote:
Should it ever befall me, and it could happen today, to be a victim of the terrorism swallowing up all foreigners here, I would like my community, my church, my family, to remember that my life was given to God and to his country. That the Unique Master of all life was no stranger to this brutal departure. And that my death is the same as so many other violent ones, consigned to the apathy of oblivion. I've lived enough to know, I am complicit in the evil that, alas, prevails over the world and the evil that will smite me blindly. I could never desire such a death. I could never feel gladdened that these people I love be accused randomly of my murder. I know the contempt felt for the people here, indiscriminately. And I know how Islam is distorted by a certain Islamism. This country, and Islam, for me are something different. They're a body and a soul. My death, of course, will quickly vindicate those who call me naïve or idealistic, but they must know that I will be freed of a burning curiosity and, God willing, will immerse my gaze in the Father's and contemplate with him his children of Islam as he sees them. This thank you which encompasses my entire life includes you, of course, friends of yesterday and today, and you too, friend of last minute, who knew not what you were doing. Yes, to you as well I address this thank you and this farewell which you envisaged. May we meet again, happy thieves in Paradise, if it pleases God the Father of us both. Amen. Insha'Allah.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Brothers Grimm

Summary: The brothers Will and Jake Grimm (Matt Damon and Heath Ledger) are con artists, but must solve a supernatural case in a village where young girls keep disappearing. The brothers have to battle the external forces while trying to keep their own relationship civil. Lena Headey plays Angelika, a huntress who knows the lay of the land and Monica Bellucci plays the main villain.

Review: In the talents in the duo Damon and Ledger, I'm very disappointed in this film. The acting was superb, but the storyline was so convoluted and just seemed to maximize the special effects. The special effects were spectacular, but the story just didn't mesh. Lena Headey was solid and played a strong independent woman well. Monica Bellucci plays a Queen who is after eternal youth, except in real life Bellucci really does seem to have discovered the fountain of youth.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: How are fairy tales formed?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 2 This has been the worst movie I've seen Damon in, but it really wasn't his fault. The plot seemed to have been disorganized and couldn't captivate my attention. I think the director could have fixed that as the story did have elements that piqued my interest in its fairy tale theme. It also seemed like it had a lot of potential with the beauty of Bellucci and Headey, and the special effects, but it just never materialized. I blame the director.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Man Push Cart

Summary: A former Pakistani singer has to push a cart and sell bagels and coffee daily in NYC. The story of his life are slowly revealed as he tries to find the meaning in his absurd struggle of pushing a cart every day and watching life pass by.

Review: The filming made the film as it seemed so realistic and could really bring me into the life of the character. The mystery of the main character was never really unraveled and I guess the film just left it up to the viewer to interpret the events of the film. The main character was cast very well into this role despite it being his first film. The director really deserves accolades in this movie. Ramin Bahrani also directed Chop Shop. The ending is really up to interpretation to the viewer, but I do think it leaves a lot of thought to the viewer.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: What is friendship? Are we all bound by Sisyphus tasks in life? How is there so much inequality in life? Why did Ahmad leave the comforts of Lahore to be a cart pusher in NYC?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 3 It was a decently made film, but the plot didn't seem too captivating. It was a nice portrayal of a man's struggle and the culture of push carts though. There is a very human element to the movie, but I don't think the film was well explained.

A Woman in Berlin

Summary: The story of a photojournalist (Nina Hoss) deals with the occupation of Berlin by the Red Army in WWII. She tries to live through the terror while her husband is away at war. She soon finds the atrocities of war and the savage natures of men and must do what is necessary to survive. It's based on a true story of an anonymous German woman's diary although she has been named after death by historians.

Review: I think some of the movie was lost in translation to me as I did have some minor difficulties in following (maybe I shouldn't multi-task as much). It was still an enjoyable watch, but I thought it would have been more graphic to emphasize the drama in the scene. The music wasn't poor, but I felt the melancholic mood of the movie should have been contrasted more with fleeting moments of life and the anger on both sides. I did think Nina Hoss did a decent job of portraying the character, but I think there could have been a better actress for the part. I don't think it was lost in translation because acting shouldn't require me to understand the language and the body movements should transcend culture.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: Why did the Germans suppress this story after the war? Was it really rape or more of a quid pro quo deal? How atrocious were the German crimes in other places? Should "revenge" ever be condoned?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 3 I thought it was a decent watch and enjoyed the foreign languages even though I couldn't tell when they were speaking Russian or German. I thought the film could have been a lot better because it's such a dramatic tale, and I wonder how much did it deviate from the book. I also think the connection between the woman and the Russian commander was made too much for a movie when in real life it was just rape by a man that wasn't as "forced."

Friday, August 12, 2011


Summary: A Jewish girl, Mali Wolf (Dana Ivgy) is in love with an Arab boy that works for her father's mechanic garage. Their courtship is a secret and there is clear tension between her brother Meir and the boy Toufik and Meir and her parents. The mother (Ronit Elkabetz) and father (Moni Moshonov) have differing views on Arabs in general and the movie is how a family copes or divides as life happens.

Review: Dana Ivgy plays a very solid role as a young girl in distress to a divided woman. The acting was great and it was kind of amazing to see how the characters changed throughout the movie. Elkabetz really showcased some of her talents as a strong woman with strong opinions despite all the beauty. The division of a family can also be analogous to bigger events in the world. The music and cinematography were excellent. The plot seemed mundane enough, but developed richly. The film does leave a lot unresolved, but it leaves enough subtle hints to where the viewer should be able to decide what will happen next for themselves. There were also few light moments in the film despite being a love tale, but it was a tragic love story.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: How do most Israeli citizens live as the main character seems to skate by life without detailing her family's finances? Can there ever be forgiveness or redemption? Aren't we all slaves to the fickleness that destiny or fate always seems to have "happen" to us.

Power Rating (Out of 5): 5 I was debating giving either a 4 or 5 because it was just such a compelling watch. The human elements involved in the movie made it too good to fault for a premise that I would consider mundane, but that is what made the movie beautiful. It was well made, well acted, and it managed to turn a mundane story into a very well executed film. Films like this on the Palestinian and Israeli question make me appreciate the simplicity of my life when the fact is that question's complications should also be very simple. The film reminds me of her tragic life is, but it is what we think of it at the end of the day. It can always be worse, and some fleeting moments in life make it all seem worth it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running Scared

Summary: Joey Gazelle (Paul Walker) has to uncover a gun that was used to shoot a cop and failure to retrieve the gun could mean death. His son's friend who lives next door took the gun in an attempt to kill his abusive step-father. The step-father also happens to be the nephew of a Russian mob boss. Teresa (Vera Farmiga) has to deal with her husband's actions while trying to be supportive.

Review: Paul WWalker was actually a decent actor in this film. Vera Farmiga was excellent in this film as I've never seen with so much passion. Ivana Milicevic looked sexy as a mom who was involved with the Russian underworld. Elizabeth Mitchell also makes an appearance as true "evil." The kid, Cameron Bright played a stoic and withdrawn child well. The scenes were shot well and the suspense was there despite a shallow plot.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: How does one thing beget another?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 4 I loved the shooting scenes and the mixtures of scenes that flashed back or forward as an animation. Its plot was a bit shallow, but it fit together well in the end. It was much more of a thrilling action than a thinking film, but accomplishes the action scenes with enough thought.

Dinner for Schmucks

Summary: Tim Conrad (Paul Rudd) is determined to move up from the 6th floor to the 7th floor and strives to go the extra step in his career. He has an important dinner that he has to go to with his boss that includes having a guest "idiot." He meets Barry (Steve Carell) and his world begins to turn upside down through the actions of Barry.

Review: Paul Rudd plays the same character he does in almost every one of his movies, but Carell really makes this film go. Galifiankis had a small role too, but Carell powers the film. I enjoyed the mice in the sets, maybe I can share this hobby with Barry.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: What is an idiot? What is a friend?

Rating (Out of 5): 3 The plot was a bit strange, but I was entertained by the comedy by Carell. It was a darkly humored film and at many moments in the film I was actually repulsed by the general plot. It was mean, but it definitely had some moments of great comedy.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The International

Summary: Interpol agent Louis Salinger (Clive Owen) and NY Assistant DA Eleanor Whitman (Naomi Watts) try to expose the world's biggest financial institution for its money laundering, arms dealing and other illegal activities. They travel all over the world to unravel the conspiracy and bring it to justice.

Review: The movie's plot was a bit absurd, but it was well made. The dialogue was decent and Clive Owens is excellent. I never seem to recall a smiling Clive Owen and I guess that's just his natural character. Naomi Watts looked good in this movie. The shooting scene at the Guggenheim was one of the best action scenes I can recall watching. It had a lot of intrigue, but I was lost at times in the plot. The plot tried too hard at times to be "sophisticated" and I just thought it was too absurd to be this "sophisticated." The supporting cast was decent too and I loved the character Wexler (Armin Mueller-Stahl) and Jnoas Skarssen (Ulrich Thomsen) as amoral villains.

Further Question/Philosophy/Theme: Are banks really this immoral: trying to make all nations slaves to debt or money launder for the drug cartels? There is evidence for banks wanting students to be indebted forever and money laundering for drug cartels by Wachovia now Wells Fargo that is documented, but arms dealing would take it to a new level. What is justice? Do we all have choices in the decisions we make?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 3 I thought the movie was well made and enjoyable, but the plot had me lost at times because of its over-complexities. Maybe I was guilty of multi-tasking, but the movie just didn't capture my attention in the beginning. It tried to show things, but it was hard to follow in the beginning because it was a mystery, but it didn't exactly thrill me. The movie was better made than the premise of the plot. It reminded me a lot of Michael Clayton, but that plot was much more enthralling and captivating.

Favorite Quotes:
Wilhelm Wexler: Sometimes a man can meet his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.

Wilhelm Wexler: We cannot control the things life does to us. They are done before you know it, and once they are done, they make you do other things. Until at last everything comes between you and the man you wanted to be.

Umberto Calvini: [In explaining the "true" nature of banking in the world] The IBBC is a bank. Their objective isn't to control the conflict, it's to control the debt that the conflict produces. You see, the real value of a conflict, the true value, is in the debt that it creates. You control the debt, you control everything. You find this upsetting, yes? But this is the very essence of the banking industry, to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.

Louis Salinger: Based on everything I've read about you, you seem like the kind of man who aspired to die for something more than this.
Wilhelm Wexler: Well, this is the difference between truth and fiction. Fiction has to make sense.

Wilhelm Wexler: Character is easier kept than recovered.

Cassian Skarssen: When there's no way out, you find a deeper way in.

Jonas Skarssen: [to his son regarding a board game] This is a game that rewards patience and balance. You must think like a man of action and act like a man of thought.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Last Night

Summary: A married couple Joanna (Keira Knightley) and Michael (Sam Worthington) have a moment apart when Michael makes a business trip with a co-worker, Laura (Eva Mendes), he's attracted to and by "chance" Joanna bumps into an old flame, Alex (Guillaume Canet). It then details their night apart and the feelings they both have and they both struggle with fidelity.

Review: The cinematography was decent and I loved the somber mood the music set throughout the movie. Knightley was definitely very attractive in her elegance this film and Canet was charming. I just never quite got into the plot and couldn't really relate to enjoy it despite Knightley's presence. The diaglouge and the subtle queues in the movie were appreciated though.

Further Question/Theme/Philosophy: What is considered cheating? What is considered unfaithful? Is monogamy unrealistic?

Power Rating (Out of 5): 2 The movie was well made, but I just didn't quite enjoy it at all.